The story of
Heartland Sings
Heartland Sings, Inc. is a nonprofit vocal music production company based in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
@Heartlandsings | |
The Story of Heartland Sings
Nearly every day, you can find the Maestro at Heartland Sings.
Heartland Sings was founded by Maestro Nance in 1997 and over its first quarter-century has grown into a major vocal arts production company with 4 full-time principal vocal artists, 32 part-time vocal artists, and on occasion a symphonic festival chorus for large-scale productions. With these forces, Heartland Sings creates a number of diverse vocal concerts and productions, from jazz, pop, musical theatre, opera, large-scale choral-orchestral productions, and educational and community outreach events.
Headquartered in Fort Wayne with studios and administrative offices on Lake Avenue, Heartland Sings has been changing the lives of participants and patrons through cultural, entertainment, and educational programs for over 25 years. Their purpose is to serve as a professional, educational resource for the vocal arts, cultivating cultural appreciation within the community and providing opportunities to area vocalists and instrumentalists. They have traveled throughout the region with their ART-V ™ mobile performance vehicle, and have reached audiences beyond our region through their live-streamed performances.
Heartland Sings inspires people of all ages and abilities through cultural and entertainment experiences, educational programs, and community outreach. Heartland Sings is changing lives through song.
Heartland Sings is a mission-driven performing arts institution that fosters an appreciation for the vocal arts, inspiring audiences and artists through exceptional cultural and entertainment experiences, educational programs, and community outreach.
At Heartland Sings, we believe everyone can sing. Heartland Sings’ voice teachers strive to help students sing with the most beautiful and healthy version of their natural voice.
Plymouth Church
Several days a week, you will find the Maestro guiding the music ministry at Plymouth Church.
@plymouthfw |
Plymouth Congregational Church
Plymouth Congregational Church has a long history of supporting the arts as a means of reflection and faith enrichment. A fully graded music program is open to all with the purpose of preparing music for worship.
The church also supports a community-funded music series that features performers local, regional, and national; lately, however, since 2020 the series has dedicated itself to the support of local performing artists who have struggled to make a living due to the curtailment of performances as a result of the pandemic.
The church has opened its doors to many arts groups, including Heartland Sings, FW Children’s Choir, PFW Music School, FW Philharmonic, and Civic Theatre.
Congregation Achduth Vesholom “The Temple”
Congregation Achduth Vesholom
For High Holy Days and about once per month, you can find the Maestro providing musical support and direction for services. For many years now, The Temple and Plymouth Church have been connected by a common interest in community and a shared music director.
Before moving to its current location on Old Mill, the two institutions were located in the same block in downtown Fort Wayne and it was about 150 steps from the organ at Plymouth to the organ at the Temple just across the alley. When Maestro Nance came to Plymouth in 1999, he inherited the post at the Temple.
Maestro Nance has been a part of many innovations at the Temple, including the introduction of Friday Night Live and a Jazz Shabbat. He has also been nurtured by some extraordinary rabbis, cantors, Temple leaders, and congregants. Maestro Nance is an active member of the FW Jewish federation and currently sits on the Yom Hashoah committee.
The Bradley
@thebradley |
The Bradley
Maestro Nance and various vocal artists from Heartland Sings can be found at the Bradley Hotel from time to time. In the Arbor restaurant, Maestro Nance provides piano music, and vocal artists entertain with a variety of pop, jazz, and American songbook standards.
Current and Upcoming Events
To learn about upcoming events on the Maestro’s schedule, visit the EVENTS tab for information.
All proceeds go to help fund Heartland Chamber Chorale educational outreach programs. Online sales will be directed to their site.
Volume I – Solitude
It came about because I wanted to capture the variety of artistry that my career has embodied in the past decade as a freelance performing artist. While the bulk of my creative output principally involves conducting ensembles and training musicians, my performing roots are as a keyboardist. I perform regularly in classical, jazz, and spiritual settings, which has broadened my experience and accounts for the many “attitudes” that can embody this series. I hope you will find in listening to these selections the same pleasure it has given me to make them available to you. All proceeds go to help fund Heartland’s educational outreach programs.” ~Maestro Robert Nance
Sample Tracks
Track 1 “Wayfaring Stranger”
Track 5 “Spring Comes Early”
Track 9 “My Soul Rises”
Volume II – Gratitude
“This recording is the second in a series of recordings entitled “Attitudes.” Where the first album (entitled “Solitude”) dealt with the introspective spirit that helps to feed one’s creativity, this album embodies the spirit of “Gratitude,” which helps to round out one’s overall creative spirit. All proceeds go to help fund Heartland’s educational outreach programs.” ~Maestro Robert Nance
Sample Tracks
Track 2 “Here Comes The Sun”
Track 6 “Prelude & Fugue in C-Major”
Track 10 “The Road Home”
Volume III – Fortitude
The first two recordings – Solitude and Gratitude – feature me as a solo pianist; Fortitude features some of the “Cats” with whom I regularly perform. Both Brad Kuhns and Dave Mendenhall have performed with me in various settings for over 20 years. More recently, my friend and colleague Alexander Klepach and I have been performing duo concerts with a growing following. All in all, these relationships fortify me personally and professionally, and I know I’m a much better musician because of their presence in my life. I hope you will find in listening to these selections the same joy we experience when we play together. There is no greater pleasure than to sit down with these talented cats and perform for you. All proceeds go to help fund Heartland’s educational outreach programs. ” ~Maestro Robert Nance
Sample Tracks
Track 2 “Joysong”
Track 7 “‘Brazileira’ from Scaramouche
Track 10 “Morning”
Volume IV – Amplitude
The first two recordings – Solitude and Gratitude – feature me as a solo pianist; the third, Fortitude, features me and some friends with whom I regularly perform; this recording is the only one in the set to feature the organ and is entitled Amplitude because one of my favorite things to do when I play the organ is to crank up the volume. From the first moment I began to play the organ, I have enjoyed the orchestral nature of the instrument and its ability to rattle the rafters. All proceeds go to help fund Heartland’s educational outreach programs. ” ~Maestro Robert Nance
Sample Tracks
Track 6 “Air On The G-String”
Track 7 “Toccata and Fugue in D-Minor”
Track 10 “Exultate”

Maestro Robert Nance’s “Attitude” series of recordings has finally come to a close with the recent release of “Amplitude”. All of the CDs are available for purchase, with special offers on CD sets. They’re a must-have for any keyboard enthusiast’s collection! All proceeds go to help fund Heartland’s educational outreach programs.
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Educational Programs
These educational programs help students develop their 21st-century skills of creative thinking, communication, teamwork, and leadership.

Curriculum-Based Programs
Programs for pre-kindergarten, elementary & middle school-age students.

Fine Arts Program
Career building programs for middle school, high school, and college students.

Vocal Arts Institute
For students who would like to explore a more in-depth journey into the Vocal Arts.

Piano Lessons
Build confidence, social awareness & thoughtfulness by working with another musician.